Let's vote! – Törökőr residents decide about local developments

The SUNRISE project has arrived to a milestone. After a long process of preparation, problem mapping, idea collection, project development and cost estimation, the decision has been taken about which developments are up for voting for the residents and users of Törökőr.

The Core Group (CG) held a meeting in the middle of October, to form its opinion and feedback on the developments, interventions improving sustainable mobility in the area, proposed by the professional team of SUNRISE:


Finally, the CG proposed eight projects - serving traffic safety, environmental protection and the local community - for voting by the local residents ad people moving in the area, in order to choose the ones that can be realised in 2019.


The voting starts in November 2018, based on the principle of participatory budgeting. This means that the Municipality of Zugló is going to implement the projects selected by the voting, up to the 65 000 EUR budget available by EU funding in the SUNRISE project.

This level of stakeholder involvement is a pioneering attempt in Hungary, and SUNRISE also aims to test the methodology, besides improving mobility. Those participating in the voting are consequently contributing to an innovative, European level trial in the district.


As the projects proposed for voting have a larger financing need than the funding available, the voters have to take a responsible decision about what is really important for them and for the community.


This is the opportunity for the Törökőr residents to play the role of the Municipality, and try what is deciding about a city's issues like.

The developed project proposals and their cost estimates are available here. (in Hungary) 

The voting is accessible here.


Source: MIZUglónk

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