On its meeting of the 30 August 2023, Timis County Council has unanimously approved the Velo-Timiș Cycling Strategy, elaborated by a consortium of Mobilissimus, Értékterv and Planificatio.
The aim of the Timiș County, through the preparation of the Velo-Timiș cycling strategy, is to promote cycling as a sustainable and healthy mobility mode, in line with the policy objectives of the European Union. To this end, it aims to support the development of a cycling culture and the implementation of the necessary infrastructure through a comprehensive and up-to-date document underpinning public policies.
As a county-level document, the parts of the strategy on built infrastructure cover the sections of the international and national networks that affect Timiș County, as well as the network elements of county importance, including links to neighbouring counties and cross-border links. The local (intra-municipal) elements are discussed only as part of the county cycling network and at a general level.
In the field of cycling infrastructure, in addition to the development of cycle routes, the strategy also covers the improvement of conditions for bicycle parking and cycle-friendly services. Another important element is the support of awareness-raising and attitudinal change in relation to cycling.
The final documentation of the Velo-Timiș Cycling Strategy can be downloaded here.