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PROSPERITY innovation brief on Micromobility


Within the PROSPERITY project, Mobilissimus prepared a summary on the rapid up-take of micromobility in cities.

Following the success of bike-sharing, which emerged due to technological progress and business innovations, new forms of shared mobility using small and often electric vehicles (e.g., e-bikes and e-scooters etc.) have started to appear in cities. They are operated by private companies in a sharing model – collectively referred to as ‘micromobility’ – and offer new possibilities for cities as travel preferences change. While they offer many opportunities, micromobility also poses regulation and infrastructure challenges.

The aim of this PROSPERITY Innovation Brief is to provide a short insight into these issues within the context of Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning (SUMP). It undertakes – due to the rapid development of technological solutions and business models – to give a snapshot of the state of June 2019.

The innovation brief can be downloaded here.

For more innovation briefs and other resources, visit the PROSPERITY website.

A PROSPERITY projekt további magyar nyelvű anyagai (összefoglalók innovatív fenntartható városi mobilitási megoldásokról, európai városok SUMP összefoglalói és kivonatai, rendezvények összefoglalói és előadásai) PROSPERITY aloldalunkon érhetők el.

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