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The first ZERGE rolled out


On 6th November 2019, after the opening press conference, the first demand responsive minibus, called ZERGE (chamois), departed from one of the PT hubs in Zalaegerszeg. The aim of this new DRT service is to serve public transport in peri-urban areas where local buses are not available or residents can reach those bus stops only with significant walking time. The kick-off was preceded by long preparation, with active involvement of relevant stakeholders and future users, such as online and paper-based surveys and co-design events.

The new DRT minibus system operates as a pilot until 22nd December. During the test period passengers can use the service for free. The only condition is that passengers have to register and check-in at least half an hour before the bus leaves the endstation. During this testing the feedback of the users regarding routes, timetable and the usability of service is important: this will help Mobilissimus to plan the next period taking into account remarks and needs.

The new minibus system was developed within the INTERREG CE SHAREPLACE project together with the City of Zalaegerszeg and the expertise of Mobilissimus.

The project is supported by the Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE Programme funded under the European Regional Development Fund and with the co-financing of the Hungarian State.

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