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Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) of Eger


Being committed to sustainability, the City of Eger decided to prepare its Sustainable urban mobility plan (SUMP) among the first cities in Hungary, with the professional support of Mobilissimus. The SUMP of Eger aims to achieve a high quality and sustainable urban mobility system in the city and its functional urban area. According to the EU guidelines, it focuses on the people, the citizens, follows an integrated approach in terms of taking into account the functional urban area and relevant sectoral policies, and has been elaborated with the continuous involvement of stakeholders (decision makers, professional partners and citizens).

In the first phase of planning, a thorough analysis of the mobility situation of Eger and its agglomeration was conducted, based on the review of existing strategies and plans, data collection, interviews and discussions, detailed site visits, passenger and traffic counts, as well as surveys. The data on mobility needs and traffic have been also used to build up a traffic model.

Based on the results of the status analysis, as well as the strategic objectives of the city and the development plans concerning the transport network, a customized system of objectives was created. The objectives serve the achievement of Eger’s vision, developing into “the City of Quality”, as formulated in the Settlement Development Concept. They were determined in a structured system of general strategic objectives and specific operative goals to provide a basis for determining the possible mobility interventions.

In the second phase, possible measures have been identified, including both existing and new proposals. All the possible interventions were evaluated through a common methodology with the aim to determine the final list of projects which are feasible and (cost-)efficient, providing the most of environmental and social benefits. The selected projects which respond to all criteria were ranked on a priority list, classified to six thematic project packages in order to achieve synergy among the interventions, and scheduled to short-, medium- and long-term implementation phases.

The Sustainable urban mobility plan of Eger and the final list of interventions are results of active cooperation between the decision makers, the city staff and the planners. While covering all transport modes, they focus on sustainable modes and offer advanced, cost-efficient and passenger friendly solutions. The plan not only helps to access EU funding, but also supports the smart and efficient use of all – EU, national and local – resources for achieving the goals of the city. Through the realization of these projects, the service level of the mobility system will be improved, and will help Eger become “the City of Quality”.

The SUMP of Eger has been discussed and approved by the City Council on its seating of the 30th November 2017.

The summary of the SUMP can be seen below or downloaded from the following links:

sump eger


More information is available (in Hungarian) at the SUMP website of the City of Eger.

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