Cycling strategy of Bács-Kiskun County

With this strategy, Bács-Kiskun County aims to set the direction for the stakeholders involved in the development of bicycle-friendly infrastructure and bicycle tourism. By rethinking the goals and designing the directions of development in Bács-Kiskun County, it intends to provide the complex conditions necessary for bicycle mobility and cycling tourism on the long term. Thoughtful planning of measures and the development of a coherent network is the most effective way to use development funds.

The document is strategic in nature (it does not cover the development of specific projects) and at county level. It covers cycling for transport, leisure and tourism.

The vision of the strategy is based on the vision of the Complex Cycling Programme 2014-2020: “In Bács-Kiskun County’s […] regions and settlements cycling retains its popularity exceptional also on the European level, and by improving the conditions, the share of people choosing bicycle as their main transport mode continues to grow. Cycling remains the most popular leisure and recreation activity and bicycle becomes a more popular tourist and sports device.”

The proposed measures serving the operative goals can be classified in the following areas of intervention:

  • Network, infrastructure and tours
  • Connection with other transport modes
  • Services
  • Information and marketing
  • Events
  • Aawareness raising
  • Education and training
  • Organizational and, institutional background

The Cycling strategy of Bács-Kiskun County has been discussed and approved by the County Council on its seating of the 15 February 2019.

The strategy can be downloaded from the following link: