The seminar of the Clean Air Action Group's EUKI project "Beyond Best Practices in the Passenger Transport Sector" was organised by Magyar CIVINET, the Hungarian-speaking CIVITAS network. The project was presented by Márton Vargha.
The European Union's Climate Neutral and Smart Cities Mission was presented by Laura Hetel (European Commission), who also discussed the support and funding opportunities for cities provided by the EU. Kristóf Horváth (EX ANTE), representing the city of Pécs, started the presentation of the three Hungarian cities selected for the programme, addressing the issue of mobility and accessibility and, in this context, solutions to reduce transport demand. László Szunyogh, Chief Architect of Miskolc, derived development proposals from the city's structure and its internal and external connections, which will bring Miskolc closer to its vision of becoming the most liveable city in the country. Ádám Bodor (BKK Centre for Budapest Transport) quantified how the climate-neutralisation of Budapest's transport will require a significant modal shift in line with the modal split objective of the Budapest Mobility Plan (BMT). He also addressed the dilemmas of renewing the public transport fleet and the traffic calming strategy.
The TEDiT online modelling programme, developed in the framework of the project "Beyond Best Practices in the Passenger Transport Sector", was presented to the participants in a small group interactive demonstration. The programme can be used to assess the impact of changing the characteristics of nine transport modes on the annual per capita carbon dioxide emission of the passenger transport sector.
The speakers were joined by István Knezsik, President of the Grand Coalition of Motorists, for a panel discussion at the end of the seminar. A lively debate was held on the links between the "climate neutral city" objective and the energy crisis, the means to achieve climate neutrality, including the import of scrap cars, the feasibility of low emission zones, as well as on parking policies.
Támogató: Levegő Munkacsoport „A személyközlekedés legjobb gyakorlatain túl” projekt – "Beyond Best Practices in the Passenger Transport Sector" funded by the European Climate Initiative (EUKI Project – 17.9045.0-002.97)
Köszönjük a BKK Budapesti Közlekedési Központ Zrt-nek a helyszín és technikai támogatás biztosítását!