Hamburg is the host city of this year’s ITS World Congress, which is one of the most important events on the future mobility technologies and transport solutions. As part of the congress, a round table session was organised to discuss the future of DRT (demand-responsive transport) systems from the point of view of efficiency and sustainability, digitalization, and the needs of the users in different areas and urbanization levels. The panellists were Franziska Daetz (Tirol Public Transport Association), Nele Kohlstädt (moBiel, Bielefeld), Violeta Peran (Dyvolve, Croatia), Clemens Rath (Blacklane, Germany), Doris Wiederwald (GEA, Austria) and András Ekés (Mobilissimus, Hungary). The discussion was moderated by Lina Mosshammer (Mitfahrverband / Women in Mobility, Austria).