Insights from the Central European Active Mobility Lab
Mobilissimus is proud to release the "Lessons Learnt Report" from the Central European Active Mobility Lab (CEAML), a transformative project aimed at promoting sustainable urban mobility across the Visegrad region. Funded by the European Climate Foundation, this project addressed key challenges in...
Public Transport - Beyond Borders: Joint Event of Magyar CIVINET and CIVINET România
The event, jointly organised by CIVINET Hungary and CIVINET Romania on 18-19 November, focused on the development of public transport. The cross-border event took place across several venues of the two twin cities of Timisoara and Szeged, providing an opportunity for participants to learn directly...
Railway Days 2024 (Bucharest) – latest updates from Romania
Mobilissimus was present for the second year in a row at the Railways Days event in Bucharest, responding to the invite of our friends and partners from Club Feroviar to attend the anniversary 20th edition. On this occasion, our colleague Dragoș Hrițuleac proposed for discussion a less debated topic...

Mobilissimus Ltd.
1093 Budapest, Lónyay Str. 34.